Thursday, April 29, 2021

crabby maggie's seafood restaurant

a REAL family restaurant. Jenny and I can't thank Maggie, her husband, her daughter and her son enough for helping us through this pandemic. for the past year plus we've looked forward to our weekly dinner from Maggie's at our kitchen table. 

on May 5 Maggie's reopens their inside dining. congratulations, Maggie's, on your reopening! congratulations to you for helping us and many others through the pandemic with your excellent takeout food! you are a credit to Strasburg and to wonderful people everywhere.

Jenny and I look forward to many more delicious dinners at Maggie's--both at your place and ours. Thank you so very much. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021


 a relic is defined as an object surviving from an earlier time.

that's strasburg. 

the world has left strasburg behind. in the rest of the world: 
  • people open water and sewer accounts online--they don't have to physically go to town hall to open a water and sewer account.
  • there's real-time communication between local government and its citizens. they get timely messages from their local government on their smartphones--like when trash won't be collected on the regularly scheduled day.
  • streets, sidewalks and other infrastructure are maintained in good working order.
  • parks are maintained and are safe. laws requiring dogs to be leashed and owners to clean up after their dogs are enforced.
  • in the civilized world firing a shotgun from a boat in the river next to town park would never be allowed.
  • forget about gun control, light control (Lighting | International Dark-Sky Association), noise control and enforcement, etc. "we didn't have gun control, light control, noise control, etc. 100 years ago. we don't need it today."
  • progressive local governments engage their citizens. they promote transparency. they recognize that their citizens have other concerns than local government. they make it easy for them to participate with timely, open communications between local government and its citizens. when a citizen asks a question or makes a comment, local government follows through. good citizens understand that not all of their suggestions will be implemented, but they expect thoughtful and truthful answers from local government to their questions and comments.
  • progressive local governments thrive in a competitive environment. they attract quality businesses as well as quality residential development.  

if you like living or operating a business in a relic, then you'll love strasburg.