Friday, July 30, 2021

explosion and ammonia leak at the milk plant

we were awakened at 3:30 AM this morning by an explosion and a loss of electricity for approximately 15 seconds (long enough to require resetting our clocks and rebooting our TV). About 3 or 4 minutes later the volunteer fire department siren sounded. we live approximately one half mile from the milk plant.

the blast blew a large hole in the building and scattered debris on Acton Place. the photo was taken on Acton Place between east queen st. and east king st. looking north towards east king st. (US route 55). 

an aerial view of the site before the explosion: Blue Ridge Hospice Strasburg Thrift Shop - Google Maps (zoom out for a wider view.)

street view from east king st. before the explosion looking south at Acton Place:  400 E King St - Google Maps

the news report doesn't explain the brief interruption in electrical service.

a longtime strasburg resident told me that there was a similar explosion at the milk plant in 1976 where a worker was killed.

one has to wonder if the explosion had occurred during the day. Acton Place is a public street. 

... and, the wisdom of having a large, hazardous industrial site located adjacent to a US highway in an area populated with residences, businesses, tourist attractions, etc. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Melissa Schleig revisited

On 1/29/2020 the Northern Virginia Daily ran an article entitled “Town park accessibility a challenge for officials”. The article describes comments that Melissa Schleig, a resident of Madison Heights, made at a meeting of the town’s Recreation, Parks and Trails Committee. Ms. Schleig stated that her children don’t have a safe way to walk or bike from their home in Madison Heights to Town Park. 

Pedestrians and bicyclists from Madison Heights and the other nearby neighborhoods must cross East King Street (US Route 55) to get to Town Park. East King Street at this location is wide. Speeding cars and trucks make it particularly hazardous to cross for both children and adults, especially those who are elderly and handicapped. 

so what's been done in the year and a half since Ms. Schleig made her comments to the town's recreation, parks and trails committee?
answer: nothing to my knowledge. it appears that the committee blew her off.

so, let's pretend that you're a parent in madison heights and your child wants to go to the pool. you work--you can't drive your child to the pool. what are you going to tell your child?

are you going to let your child walk or ride a bicycle on route 55?
answer: no way! no parent in their right mind would allow their child to walk or ride a bike on rte. 55 from madison heights to town park (and vice versa). there are no sidewalks or shoulders in some places. where there are shoulders, they're narrow. the roadway is narrow. large trucks in both directions. speeders frequently exceed the 35 mph speed limit. there are no crosswalks except for the one all the way back at the route 55/route 11 intersection. 

what other alternatives are there for your child to walk or ride their bike to the pool?
answer: the good news is (or may be) that there may be one. if the shenandoah valley rail-to-trail initiative for a 48.5 miles trail becomes a reality, then a rte. 55 crossing at the old NS railroad tracks at the museum (near funk st.) will provide a relatively safe way for children, elderly and handicapped to cross rte. 55. the bad news is that it may take years--if it happens at all--for the trail through strasburg to be built. other than this, currently there is no safe way for pedestrians, bicyclists, children, elderly and handicapped persons to get from the madison heights side of rte. 55 to town park (and vice versa).

what good is town government that doesn't address the concerns of its citizens in a timely manner?
answer: at the very least, the town could have asked vdot to look into this matter. at the very least, the speed limit on east king street could have been lowered from 35 mph to 25 mph and crosswalks (with advance warning signs that pedestrians and cyclists have the right of way) could have been provided.

people who live and work in strasburg aren't here to serve the town. it should be the other way around. one and a half years ago Melissa Schleig voiced her very valid concerns at a meeting of the town's recreation, parks and trails committee. the town has done nothing. the town should be ashamed.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

what you don't know CAN hurt you

blame the town if you don't know about this: 

progressive town governments, e.g. tiny stephens city, have two-way messaging to notify their citizens of important information in a timely manner. 

not the town of strasburg. 

shame on them!

Monday, July 19, 2021

where's the beef?

Councilman John Massoud's story in the northern virginia daily is an interesting one. it's a story of past failures, scandals, party politics and partisanship. it's also a feel good story about the new mayor, putting aside partisanship, working together and passing a juneteenth proclamation. 

all that's needed now are substantive changes that address strasburg's longstanding problems--e.g., communicating important information with its citizens in a timely manner, improving the business environment, improving the living environment for residents, encouraging citizen participation in town government and then acting on it, etc. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

citizens of strasburg: how did you hear about this IMPORTANT information?

you haven't heard? (I just happened on it.) 

wouldn't you think that the town would notify its citizens of this IMPORTANT information? 

not the town of strasburg. even though towns smaller than strasburg (e.g. stephens city) have messaging systems to inform their citizens, the town of strasburg relies on the "grapevine"--if and when you find out, then spread the word to your neighbors. 


Friday, July 9, 2021

welcome J. Waverly Coggsdale

WELCOME J. Waverly Coggsdale! we look forward to BIG things from you! 

Stephens City, with its two-way messaging system for its residents, and New Market with its podcasts--towns with populations around 2K--are smaller than Altavista and WAY smaller than the town of strasburg. maybe you can bring the town of strasburg into the 21st century. 


Monday, July 5, 2021

3 things that I like about strasburg

  1. fourth of july fireworks show 
  2. fourth of july fireworks show 
  3. fourth of july fireworks show 
we also like the beautiful views of the mountains and valley from our stony pointe neighborhood and quiet (most of the time--except for occasional noise--e.g. LOUD motorcycles on rte. 55 with LOUD music blaring, loud trucks, loud cars, lawn maintenance (especially loud riding mowers, trimmers and blowers), construction noise, factory noise, gunshots, etc.). 

yes, the fourth of july fireworks show is loud--and BEAUTIFUL! we'll take loud with BEAUTIFUL any time!