Monday, May 16, 2022

red flag

Generous tip: Caller helps cops nab restaurant assault suspect | Winchester Star | 

Buffalo shooter's prior threat, hospital stay face scrutiny | AP News 

it's ironic that tarbush was arrested within a day or so of the Tops massacre in buffalo ny.

the problem is clear. despite "red flag" laws people with guns who threaten others are not being "red flagged".

PS a month or so ago I believe that I saw tarbush walking east on 277 between route 11 and i-81 (towards the waffle house). she was carrying a grocery bag and a six pack of coca cola in plastic bottles. I thought it unusual to see a pedestrian walking across the 277 bridge over i-81 (especially with all of the 277 road construction that is underway). hamilton ct. is less than a mile from the bridge.

Friday, May 13, 2022

"figures don't lie, but liars figure."

Good afternoon, Strasburgians! If you're like me, then you got your shenandoah county real estate tax bill today. It reminds me of our town of strasburg water bills--funny numbers (and I don't mean haha). For example,
  • our real estate tax bill went up a whopping 22%. Talk about inflation!
  • the 2022 real estate tax rate (58%) is 11% less than the 2021 real estate tax rate (69%)

wow! how can this be? if the 2022 tax rate went down 11%, then how can the tax bill be 22% more than 2021's tax bill? answer:
  • our total taxable assessed value increased a double-whopping 45%--in ONE year!

does anyone really believe that the cost of government (real estate tax rate) actually went DOWN from 69% in 2021 to 58% in 2022? if your really do believe this, then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell you.

there's an old joke. One man says to another, "what's 2 + 2?" the other man replied, "what do you want it to be?"

just like the town's water bills, where we're billed on a fictitious number of gallons instead of actual gallons used, the real estate tax bill reminds me of the old Mark Twain quote--"figures don't lie, but liars figure."

attribution: public domain via wikimedia commons

Thursday, May 12, 2022

the next town resolution?

"Mayor Boies says even though this resolution isn’t law, she hopes the resolution encourages residents facing discrimination to feel comfortable talking with their elected officials."
Strasburg Town Council passes Unity resolution

good luck with that.

perhaps sherando high school's government class can draft another resolution on the purpose, duties and responsibilities of town government? 

I'm sure that they could.

can town council approve it before the november election?

what do you think? 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

WHSV: "The most talked-about project among the public was Route 55 which runs through Strasburg and Front Royal."

"It’s definitely helpful for the CTB (Commonwealth Transportation Board) to hear from the public and also from local leaders. A lot of times at these public meetings we have a member of the board of supervisors, a county administrator, a town council member, that sort of thing. Sometimes it’s good to hear from folks who have requested this money,” said Ken Slack, VDOT communications specialist.

  • why is "the most talked-about project" conspicuously absent from vdot's list of proposed long term plans?
  • who (names) represents strasburg with vdot? 
  • specifically, how is the town working with vdot to get the horrendous route 55 intersection in strasburg addressed? 
  • who (names) liaisons with strasburg's representative on the CTB?
  • how often (dates) have they met?
  • specifically, how often do they regularly meet to discuss strasburg's transportation needs?
  • have strasburg representatives suggested to front royal representatives that a coalition be formed to push for improvements to "the most talked-about project"? if not, then why not?

citizens of strasburg want to know. 

thank you, WHSV, for your report. without your report we wouldn't know. the town doesn't inform its citizens with what's going on between the town and vdot. who knows? perhaps it's because nothing is going on between town representatives and vdot on a regular or a specific project basis.