Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Copp Road shootings

Copp Road (Route 757) is outside town limits. it's located near Fishers Hill between Route 11 and I-81 about a mile west from town limits.

Shenandoah County man killed in Thursday night shooting identified (6/10/22)

two fatal shootings on the same road 46 days apart. 
a coincidence? 
or is there a connection? 
we may never know.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Happy 100th Birthday lifelong Strasburg resident and decorated WWII combat veteran Donald Keller

one would think that Sgt. Keller would be worthy of recognition by the town--a statue, a parade, a proclamation, etc. 

thank you Harrisonburg's Daily News-Record for your article honoring this gentleman from our community and thank you Donald Keller for your service to our country. 

public domain


Saturday, July 9, 2022


on this blog I have encouraged citizens of the town of strasburg to vote in the november election that includes electing three representatives to the town council. I have also said in the past that I'm not interested in any elected position. why? there are several reasons. here are two:
  1. I'm 75 years old. statistically speaking, I'm most likely in the last quarter of my life. the future of this town belongs to those who aren't in the fourth quarter. personally, I would like to see younger people, who have something to bring to the table, take on the challenge to make the town's government functional.
  2. during my career I spent much of my time in meetings listening to others who had little to bring to the table go on and on. when I retired, I promised myself that I would never attend another meeting. I have neither the time, inclination or patience to break my promise. 
I was unable to find job descriptions for mayor and town council representative on the town's website, so I'll share my own vision. 

  1. represents the town.
  2. is the town's chief cheerleader.
  3. looks out for the town's citizens by assuring that each citizen is informed of proposed actions by the town that will impact them.
  4. encourages citizens to participate by providing their input BEFORE an action is taken.
  5. insures that each citizen who provides input receives a response from the town.
town council representative:
  1. as the name suggests, town council representatives represent citizens of the town.
  2. looks out for the citizens that they represent by assuring that each citizen is informed of proposed actions by the town that will impact them.
  3. encourages citizens to participate by providing their input BEFORE an action is taken.
  4. insures that every citizen who provides input receives a response.
as you can see, there's considerable overlap in the job descriptions. 

as far as the issues are concerned, one only has to look through this blog to see the many problems that need to be fixed. look at the facts--believe your eyes. a vote for an incumbent is a vote for the status quo. rebuilding town government to what it should be is long overdue.

it's not the town that makes the people, it's the people who make the town. I implore every citizen to vote in the november election. I further implore that those who have something to bring to the table to consider running for town council or mayor in the future.

no incumbents (track record), no democrats or republicans (no party politics).

that leaves H. Brad Stover, A. D. Carter IV, and Andrew C. Lowder (three new, independent candidates) who will receive my vote.