Saturday, January 20, 2024


yesterday (Friday, January 19, 2024) the town put out its second trash message of the week. It reads:
"There will be NO trash pick-up on Friday, January 19. WasteManagement plans to be in town tomorrow, Saturday, January 20, to collect Thursday's trash. They will be dispatching a second truck later in the day on Saturday for Friday's collection but are not sure they will be able to get all pick-ups due to time limitations with landfill hours and DOT regulations. If your trash is not collected, it will be collected next week. We are sorry for the inconvenience but Mother Nature is at work again."
Our trash is normally scheduled to be picked up on Friday. Does this message mean that our trash may be picked up Saturday afternoon? Maybe--but it does say that "They will be dispatching a second truck later in the day on Saturday for Friday's collection but are not sure they will be able to get all pick-ups due to time limitations with landfill hours and DOT regulations."

So, if it doesn't get picked up on Saturday afternoon, when will in be picked up? "next week". what day? it doesn't say.

Given the vagueness of yesterday's message, coupled with the fact that I've learned not to believe anything that the town says, I put our trash out anyway.

Lo and behold, at 6:45 AM this morning, W/M's trash truck comes rolling down the street.

There's only one way to describe the town of strasburg--FUBAR.

Friday, January 5, 2024


it's good to see that the backyardigans at town hall are looking to adjust Strasburg's water cutoff policy "to bring the town's code more in line with Virginia law". 

“No longer can you cut off water service after 30 days, that has been our policy forever,” Strasburg Town Manager Waverly Coggsdale said at the meeting. “That’s the key change that you’ll see here, locally.”

Well, WHOOP-DE-DO!!! (it makes one wonder what else that the town's government has been doing "forever" that doesn't comply with Virginia law.)

why has the town's policy been to shut off water after 30 days for nonpayment? shutting off a customer's water is a hostile act. recognizing that there may be some deadbeats, there can be other reasons why a customer hasn't paid their bill. maybe they've been out of town? sick? maybe the customer can't pay the bill because of some unfortunate unforeseen circumstance(s)? 

maybe they customer received an enormous bill for water that they know that they didn't use? why does the town ignore the fact that when they drain a water main for maintenance and/or repairs that air gets trapped in the line if there are insufficient or non-functioning air release valves. The trapped air can enter a service line and go through the meter measuring air as if it's water. 

shame on the town of strasburg for its punitive approach (shutting off a customer's water after 30 days) that they've had in effect forever!