Sunday, October 27, 2024

Strasburg planners delay UDO vote over approval process dispute

"Strasburg's new Unified Developmental Ordinance (UDO) hit a roadblock at last week's Planning Commission meeting, as members delayed a vote in order to resolve disagreements about shifting approval authority from the commission to staff.

At Thursday’s planning commission meeting, a key focus was a proposed shift in the UDO that would delegate by-right development approvals from the planning commission to staff. The change, intended to cut red tape, raised concerns about transparency and accountability. It's made possible because by-right developments, by definition, meet all legal requirements.

Director of Planning and Public Services Brian Otis said the change could could speed the application process up by 30 days.

However, commission members expressed concerns that this change could leave staff isolated in decision-making.

'You'll be a man on an island,' Planning Commission Chairman Vince Poling said.

Vice Mayor Emily McCorryn asked if a compromise could be reached.

'Can we formalize some kind of communication even if it is not approval?' McCorryn asked.

'Just so we don't get caught up on the street and asked what's going on someplace and we don't have any idea whatsoever,' Poling added.

Otis proposed sharing staff reports at multiple stages, such as when applications are received and before final signatures, ensuring transparency. McCorryn welcomed the adjustment, but both parties agreed to finalize the language by the next meeting in November.

The Planning Commission chose to defer the approval of the new Administrative Procedures Manual until November.

Poling said he would have voted no if a vote was called, but recognized the difficulty of redrafting the town's UDO.

'500 pages of stuff with a bunch of changes,' Poling said. 'That's a lot of documents to cover.'"

So, citizens of Strasburg, what do you prefer?
  1. "red tape" (e.g. a 500-page UDO. Has anyone at the town ever heard of the KISS principle?)
  2. speed
  3. transparency
  4. accountability
  5. town staff making planning decisions
  6. town planning commission making planning decisions
  7. town council making planning decisions
It seems to me that all of these issues should have been addressed well before a vote on the UDO was called for.

What do you think?

Monday, October 7, 2024

Noise update

Well folks, it's been more than three months since I updated you on the earsplitting noise coming from Shenandoah Valley Drive. That makes more than six months since it began. Birds and wildlife are gone. Folks who used to enjoy being outside have retreated indoors.

I can report that some kind of borrow pit operation is going on. Huge piles of soil, topsoil, gravel subbase, and construction debris are moving nonstop in and out of the area. The noise is deafening. 

From the looks of it, the end is nowhere in sight.