It's just like town hall to blow off the PERSISTENT stink from the milk plant. Town hall has a history of blowing off problems (as this blog has documented).
The fact is that anyone who drives through strasburg can attest to the foul smell that surrounds the milk plant. Depending on the daily winds the noxious smell can spread for blocks. It makes you want to hold your nose.
attribution: Charles Williams and flickr
As much as the town would like to blow off the persistent stink from the milk plant (along with its many other problems), they're not fooling town residents, tourists or anyone else who may be looking for a place to live or move their business.
Who wants to live, visit or work in stinkville?
PS Some comments to the NVD article suggest satisfaction with the status quo. Town hall has a manager job for you! In the words of author Warren G. Bennis, "The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it."