Tuesday, November 17, 2020


so, we've been living the rural life in strasburg for nearly 4 years. we have a question. many days we hear a cow or a bull mooing. it sounds like it's coming from the town. but where? we can see for miles from where we live. the far edge of strasburg is about 2 miles away and we're not aware of anywhere where there are cows in town. I did a little research and discovered that a bull can be heard from several miles away. seems possible. 

then, I found this: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index... so, my question to those who may have more experience in the rural life than we do is: what do you think? is it a bull, a cow or a bullroarer? 

there's another possibility... https://www.boomblasters.com/pro.../cow-moo-sounds-car-horn/ Valley Milk Products is a large milk processing operation in town--tractor trailers enter and exit regularly. maybe one of them is equipped with a moo-sounds-truck-horn. 


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