Saturday, August 14, 2021

bad idea

 bad ideas: 
  • not wearing a mask before the vaccines were developed
  • not getting the vaccine--including medical workers, teachers, state governors, etc. 
  • denying that the climate is changing NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming
  • yard crawl
common sense is supposed to tell us when an idea is bad. 

common sense isn't so common anymore.

the first time that I saw it, I knew that yard crawl is a bad idea. common sense told me so. Route 11 Yard Crawl makes its return this weekend 
Rt 11 Yard Crawl (notice that VDOT is conspicuously absent in the sponsors list.)

route 11 is a US route. roads with this designation are primary roads--backbones in a state's roadway network. 

in many locations route 11 is one lane in each direction with no shoulders. the speed limit is 55 mph. during yard crawl people set up tables within a couple of feet of the pavement. I witnessed people walk onto the pavement without looking. I've even seen people stand on the pavement chatting without any regard to the fact that they're standing in a primary road with a 55 mph speed limit that barely holds one vehicle in each direction.

yard crawl is an accident-waiting-to-happen. 

was there "arm-twisting" involved in obtaining approval for this accident-waiting-to-happen? 

in the sad event that a fatal accident does occur (I sincerely hope that it doesn't), then I hope that the names of the arm-twisters and those who approved yard crawl are made public. 

yard crawl is a really bad idea.

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