Tuesday, September 14, 2021

red herring

the town created the business park with only a single access point to a public road (john marshall highway/rte. 55). two access points are required. failure to obtain the necessary agreements from adjacent property owners to provide the second access point to and from the business park has delayed the project for years.

now the town is looking for a loan. 

questions: pray tell, where will the funds to provide the second access point and to pay the loan back come from? from the town's citizens? 

answer: GOOD GUESS!!!

the 6 Ps:
Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance 

on a different note: "Also on Tuesday, the council passed a resolution recognizing a recent state law that moved municipal elections from May to November. This means that three council terms previously set to expire in June 2022 will run through December 2022. Vice Mayor Ken Cherrix asked if the council could stop this change, and Town Attorney Nathan Miller replied that not complying with the date change would be illegal. 

Council members have said moving the elections to November will make the races more political." 

more political??? WHAT A HOOT!!! what can be more political than electing a bunch of politicians?!? 

Thank you, NVD, for your excellent reporting. 

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