Thursday, October 28, 2021

public servant?

the town has posted "HALLOWEEN NEWS". It begins:

"It is almost Halloween! Before all of the Halloween questions start, we would like to clarify some things!
Halloween is October 31st. To clarify further... While the Town of Strasburg does not have an ordinance that addresses Halloween or days and times of trick or treating...
(blah, blah, blah) ..."

so, let me get this straight. "... we would like to clarify some things!..." ("we" being town government) "While the Town of Strasburg does not have an ordinance that addresses halloween or days and times of trick or treating", town government is going to tell its citizens who, when and how they should celebrate, and not celebrate, halloween. 

and, "Before all of the Halloween questions start..." well, EXCUUUUUSE me! (and those citizens of the town who would have the AUDACITY to ask the town a question). it sounds like the person who wrote "HALLOWEEN NEWS" needs an attitude adjustment. a "public servant" is a person who is employed by government to serve the public--not the other way around. most of the town's citizens aren't employed by the town to serve town government. 

but then, no harm, no foul. other than a few groupies, hardly anyone pays any attention to what the town says anyway. 

gadsden flag 
public domain

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