Wednesday, December 15, 2021


"Council members thanked Rush for their (?) courage to come forward and before voting (?), Boies said she wanted to remind residents that the town is a safe space despite how the vote went (?)."

so, what will people think? what do you think?
  • some people will think that trespassing and vandalism of Paul Rush's home TWICE were despicable acts. some people won't.
  • people will know that some people in strasburg are decent people--particularly those who helped Paul Rush remove the hateful LGBTQ slurs from his house--TWICE.
  • people will know that no one(s) has been arrested for trespassing and vandalizing Paul Rush's home.
  • people will know that the town council drafted a "unity resolution" and then debated it for weeks.
  • people will know that the resolution didn't pass.

will people believe that the council is thankful that Paul Rush had the courage to come forward? maybe some will.

will people believe that strasburg is a safe place? maybe some will (as long as you're not different).

no one has to be "reminded" whether strasburg is a safe place or not. each person decides that for themselves. 

"Ricard was first to speak on Tuesday in opposition of the resolution, saying it focused too heavily on Rush’s incidents when there have been other events."

"...there have been other events ... I just think it should be totally inclusive". so, don't pass a resolution that condemns bigotry? yeah, OK. barnyard logic.

“Human nature is something that is taught and learned, you can not change it by a piece of paper,” Cherrix said. “Us saying saying everybody be friends, hold hands, kumbaya, that’s all fine and dandy, but you can’t enforce that on everybody ... being inclusive more of one particular group than every group that we have in this town, will [divide] this town even more.”

Cherrix, Massoud, Monahan, Nicholson--more barnyard logic.

all of the bs doesn't change the facts--actions speak louder than words.

strasburg, are you satisfied with some of your "leaders"? (I'm not.)

vote them out.

PS it's small wonder that the town doesn't communicate more with its citizens. What town would want meetings like strasburg's broadcast?

Friday, December 10, 2021

water bills mystery

I guess that I just don't understand.

I can understand consistent water bills when there's nothing unusual going on. I can understand a jump in the water bill if you're replanting your lawn. but what I don't understand is when water bills make huge jumps when nothing unusual is happening on the customer side. fluctuating water bills have been going on with some customers for years? blaming highly fluctuating water bills on customer leaks just doesn't make sense to me. if customer leaks were causing the problems, then water bills would remain high until the leaks are fixed.

Kim Painter makes an excellent point. 12,000 gallons one month to 32,000 gallons another after enrollment at St. Paul Lutheran Church and Child Care Center went from 70 children to 11. other residents also complain about "high monthly fluctuations". these fluctuations don't sound like water leaks to me. it just doesn't make sense. 

maybe the town should focus more on themselves and answer some obvious questions first:
  • how often are water meters read? 
  • are they being read correctly?
  • has the town checked the suspect water meters? 
  • are they operating correctly? 
  • is the water line that connects the public water main to the house, business or other private customer leaking?

rather than insisting that customer leaks are the cause, maybe the town should think the problems through. blaming longstanding "dramatic increases and monthly fluctuations" on customer leaks just doesn't make sense. it's not rocket science. it doesn't take years to find out what's causing the water bill anomalies and to fix what needs fixing.

citizens of the town of strasburg,

what's wrong with this picture? (I'm not just talking about water bills.)

I started this "strasburg underground" blog nearly two years ago because of my frustration with the town's lack of communication with its citizens, misinformation and failures to address obvious problems. you know the story--that things were messed up at town hall with the previous administration shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

I encourage you to browse through this blog's posts from the beginning. are things still messed up at town hall? you bet they are!

Tell your friends and neighbors about "strasburg underground". the only way that things in strasburg will get unmessed up is if the citizens of this town demand from the mayor and town council that town hall gets unmessed up. 

I'm not running for office. I'm retired. I'm in the fourth quarter of my life. before I retired I spent many hours in meetings that accomplished little or nothing. I have no desire to do so now. 

there's a BIG difference between politics and life. politics is a game where both sides throw rocks at each other, both sides lie and there's no accountability. life is not a game. truth matters. disease, poverty, crime, greed, incompetence, injustice, etc. are real and people get hurt. no one person or group of people has all of the answers. in life actions speak louder than words. 

this is our town. I encourage those who want to tackle fixing town hall to do so. we will all be grateful for your service.

God bless you, the USA and the citizens of the town of strasburg.

PE retired

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


on 11/24 we mailed the second installment for our 2021 taxes to the town. 

on 12/6 we got the check back in the mail. 

we checked with the bank and even checked our credit card account. as we suspected, both confirmed that we had not paid the second installment for our 2021 town taxes--which was now overdue. 

we called the town. they said that they'd look into it and call us back. 

it turns out that, due to a clerical error, someone else's tax payment was credited to our account. 

the people that we talked to at the town were very nice. we were told to mail our check back to the town and we wouldn't be charged the late fee. 

alas, it seems to happen a lot--nice people--but, WTH.