Wednesday, December 15, 2021


"Council members thanked Rush for their (?) courage to come forward and before voting (?), Boies said she wanted to remind residents that the town is a safe space despite how the vote went (?)."

so, what will people think? what do you think?
  • some people will think that trespassing and vandalism of Paul Rush's home TWICE were despicable acts. some people won't.
  • people will know that some people in strasburg are decent people--particularly those who helped Paul Rush remove the hateful LGBTQ slurs from his house--TWICE.
  • people will know that no one(s) has been arrested for trespassing and vandalizing Paul Rush's home.
  • people will know that the town council drafted a "unity resolution" and then debated it for weeks.
  • people will know that the resolution didn't pass.

will people believe that the council is thankful that Paul Rush had the courage to come forward? maybe some will.

will people believe that strasburg is a safe place? maybe some will (as long as you're not different).

no one has to be "reminded" whether strasburg is a safe place or not. each person decides that for themselves. 

"Ricard was first to speak on Tuesday in opposition of the resolution, saying it focused too heavily on Rush’s incidents when there have been other events."

"...there have been other events ... I just think it should be totally inclusive". so, don't pass a resolution that condemns bigotry? yeah, OK. barnyard logic.

“Human nature is something that is taught and learned, you can not change it by a piece of paper,” Cherrix said. “Us saying saying everybody be friends, hold hands, kumbaya, that’s all fine and dandy, but you can’t enforce that on everybody ... being inclusive more of one particular group than every group that we have in this town, will [divide] this town even more.”

Cherrix, Massoud, Monahan, Nicholson--more barnyard logic.

all of the bs doesn't change the facts--actions speak louder than words.

strasburg, are you satisfied with some of your "leaders"? (I'm not.)

vote them out.

PS it's small wonder that the town doesn't communicate more with its citizens. What town would want meetings like strasburg's broadcast?

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