less than a year ago Paul Rush's home was vandalized twice: Strasburg Police investigating a hate crime after a house was vandalized The perpetrator(s) was not apprehended. for months town council was unable to draft a resolution condemning the crime.
how will the town deal with this current ugly incident that blights the town's image? let's hope that this ugly incident is handled better than the vandalizing of Paul Rush's home twice in the past year.
this could be strasburg: Bend, Oregon shooting: Investigators are still working to determine the motive of the shooter who killed 2 people. Here's what we know - CNN
- if a CNN reporter can identify ethan miller's threatening online posts, then why isn't law enforcement doing the same for those who apply for gun permits--ESPECIALLY assault weapons?
- why doesn't the public demand that law enforcement screen violent gun applicants BEFORE they're given a permit?
- why has common sense become so uncommon?
if this happens in strasburg, then head for the employees only area in the back of the store--and, GOOD LUCK!