Monday, August 15, 2022


"An image is a picture or other representation of a person or thing, or it can be someone's public perception, like a rock star who tries to change his image by dressing like a professor and learning to play chess." 

what's your image of strasburg? of shenandoah valley? a place of incredible natural beauty? or a place that is struggling with its own identity?

both strasburg and shenandoah county covet new development. they have employees whose job it is to bring new development here. chambers of commerce similarly promote new development.

there's nothing wrong with promoting quality new development. tax dollars brought by new development help to pay for needed improvements to services that government provides.

how does yard crawl contribute to shenandoah county's image?

besides the obvious dangers presented by setting up booths within a few feet of a US highway, with customers wandering aimlessly on the pavement, what kind of image does this seemingly endless display of junk create? (US 11 is mostly one lane in each direction where the posted speed limit is 55 mph for most of its length.)

is this the image of our home that we want promoted?


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