Thursday, September 29, 2022

I will vote for H. Brad Stover for town council

Letter to the Editor: Stover running for Council | Nvdaily | 

I'm voting for H. Brad Stover. 

  • because we need council members who aren't driven by national political party ideology. frankly, who cares which national political party that council members affiliate themselves with? when serving on the council, members should leave their national political party affiliation behind and focus only on what's best for strasburg and its citizens. 
  • H. Brad Stover says "I have been a citizen of Strasburg my entire life. I have a business in town. I have a daughter in Strasburg schools. All of this leads me to want the very best for Strasburg and its citizens. I am asking for your vote on Nov. 8."

H. Brad Stover has my vote. what about yours? 

no incumbents (track record), no democrats or republicans (no party politics). 

that leaves H. Brad Stover, A. D. Carter IV, and Andrew C. Lowder (three new, independent candidates) who will receive my vote.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

bad news, good news

Strasburg stabbing suspect in custody 

bad news: domestic violence, assault, malicious wounding, people who feel that violence or threats of violence are the answer.

good news: code red, strasburg police department,  VSP tactical team, Berkeley County, WV law enforcement, quick action in obtaining necessary search and arrest warrants, WHSV. 

an earlier WHSV report indicated that local law enforcement was working with Shenandoah County to get the suspect extradited from Berkeley County to Shenandoah County for prosecution. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

performance evaluation

apparently there are some on the town council and in the town that believe that performance evaluations should be performed by employees rather than the employer--in this case the citizens of the town of strasburg. 

that's not the case. 

perhaps the town council needs to acquaint themselves with a practice that has been used for many years by many private and public organizations.

Get with it, town council!

Talk about your need for performance evaluations!

PS does anyone else besides me think that it's odd that town council approved their 2022 work plan now? 2022 is three quarters in the book! 

Friday, September 2, 2022

a cautionary tale

while water treatment plants can be large or small, water treatment principles are the same. through several processes polluted water is treated chemically and otherwise to make it safe to drink and for other uses. Water treatment - Wikipedia 

The current water treatment crisis in Jackson, Mississippi is a cautionary tale for all water treatment systems, large and small. 

the town of strasburg has been trying unsuccessfully to hire a water treatment plant operator for some time. reports of dangerous algae blooms in the north fork of the shenandoah river have occurred several times over the past few years. 

let's hope that strasburg doesn't become a miniature Jackson, Mississippi. if it does, then will we hear about it before it's too late?

Thursday, September 1, 2022


I urge everyone in strasburg to complete the county's survey. tell the county how much that you appreciate the double-digit increases in county and town real estate and personal property taxes this year. ask them who is going to pay for their grandiose plans (even though you know that we are).