Thursday, September 29, 2022

I will vote for H. Brad Stover for town council

Letter to the Editor: Stover running for Council | Nvdaily | 

I'm voting for H. Brad Stover. 

  • because we need council members who aren't driven by national political party ideology. frankly, who cares which national political party that council members affiliate themselves with? when serving on the council, members should leave their national political party affiliation behind and focus only on what's best for strasburg and its citizens. 
  • H. Brad Stover says "I have been a citizen of Strasburg my entire life. I have a business in town. I have a daughter in Strasburg schools. All of this leads me to want the very best for Strasburg and its citizens. I am asking for your vote on Nov. 8."

H. Brad Stover has my vote. what about yours? 

no incumbents (track record), no democrats or republicans (no party politics). 

that leaves H. Brad Stover, A. D. Carter IV, and Andrew C. Lowder (three new, independent candidates) who will receive my vote.

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