Thursday, December 29, 2022

congratulations Olivia Hilton!

Strasburg Museum to expand through partnership with town

Congratulations, Olivia! 

how about another grocery store? 
"We came to Mayfest here in Strasburg and we hear a lot of good input. The main thing that we heard from them was that they need another grocery store in town.

and what about solid waste recycling? shenandoah county's trash recycling plan--if you choose to call it that--severely limits items that can be recycled and requires citizens to chauffeur their recycled trash in their POVs to remote "convenience sites" (see map-- Locations for Waste and Recycling Drop Off - Landfill & Recycling ).

does the county have a benefit/cost analysis (to its citizens and to the environment) for its so-called trash recycling plan? surely the town, working with the county, can do better.

Keep up the good work, Olivia!

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