Tuesday, August 1, 2023

congratulations, strasburg! welcome to the new millennium!

attribution: Smithsonian Institution, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons

BTW, Strasburg Mayor Brandy Hawkins Boies says "So, when I hear it (the siren) I am just thankful that someone is going out to save lives and I know that a majority of citizens feel that same way". Really? How does the mayor know that? Did someone take a poll of Strasburg citizens? If so, I wasn't polled.

And while we're on the subject, EMS vehicles, in addition to their sirens, can be heard all over town blowing their horns. Is this really necessary? Some people panic when they hear an EMS vehicle behind them with siren blasting and horn blowing. And, with some of Strasburg's antiquated streets and congested intersections, it can be next to impossible to find a safe place to pull over. Perhaps Strasburg's EMS drivers need some training in professionalism.

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