Tuesday, April 23, 2024

government futility

well done, Ryan Fitzmaurice! one would think that the USPS wouldn't make it harder for handicapped folks to mail a letter. AMAZING! 

Mr. Fitzmaurice, your article is an eyeopener for some of us and a reminder for others that some of our neighbors have difficulty with tasks that we take for granted: mailing a letter, getting stamps or mailing a package at the post office, getting groceries, getting supplies, finding a vendor, changing a light bulb, etc. One would like to think that government would help. Your article confirms the opposite. One would think that neighbors would help. The rub becomes connecting the neighbor who wants to help with the neighbor who needs help. Legal concerns make this difficult--or even impossible. One would think that local government would help. not so. it's a sad situation. 

This image says it all: 

attribution: Adam Fagen and flickr

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