Saturday, August 17, 2024

if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a...


homeowners, you're right! There are serious safety concerns. the town planning commission messed up in approving a gas station at this location. they should have approved zoning that is no different from the zoning in your adjacent, much larger, community. 

keep hammering away! don't let the town tell you different from what you already know. building a gas station at this location would be a colossal mistake--an obvious safety hazard to your community and a slap in the face.

don't let the town make you pay for their screw-up!

attribution: Lisa Roukis and flickr

Do you ever wonder what goes on behind closed doors at town hall? 
What I do know is this: I'm 77 years old and I've been around the block more than a few times. I don't need some nanny or nannies at town hall telling me what is good for me and bad for me. I can figure that out for myself. so can you. 

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