Sunday, March 22, 2020

town park accessibility

a 1/29/20 article in the northern virginia daily discusses town park accessibility.
link: Town park accessibility a challenge for officials | Nvdaily | 

here's a possible solution to Madison Height's resident Melissa Schleig's problem--a traffic signal with a separate pedestrian phase at the Funk Road/Route 55 intersection. the signal's separate pedestrian phase will allow children to cross route 55 safely while all traffic at the intersection is stopped. there is already an at-grade railroad crossing on Funk Road with good sight distance in all directions.

VDOT must approve the signal. I believe that Melissa Schleig's argument is very compelling--children from Madison Heights need a safe way to cross Route 55 on their way to and from town park. 

What is the town's relationship with VDOT? with VDOT's resident engineer and district administrator? with the district's representative on the Commonwealth Transportation Board? Who will brief VDOT on the town's proposal for a traffic signal at Funk Street? Will the mayor, town council, town manager and concerned citizens attend the briefing in support of the town's proposal? needless to say, gaining VDOT's approval requires the right presentation by the right person(s) with support from the town's elected officials, government representatives and concerned citizens.

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