Wednesday, March 1, 2023

basic town services

basic town services:
  • water that's safe to drink
    • properly treated at the plant
    • a distribution system that doesn't leak and is well maintained and serviceable
      • air release valves--so that customers don't get charged for air as if it's water
    • customer water meters where customers can compare readings on the meter with readings recorded on the bill
    • water bills that include actual gallons used--no fictitious numbers. it's not complicated: gallons used x rate = $ due.
  • wastewater 
    • a wastewater collection system that doesn't leak, is well maintained and doesn't discharge odors into the air
    • proper treatment at the plant before it's discharged into the river
  • trash
    • dependable weekly trash service that requires customers to put their trash out only once each week (as opposed to multiple times due to customers not being notified in a timely manner of schedule changes)
  • roads, streets, sidewalks, street lighting
    • a road, trails and sidewalk system that allows for safe access by motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians from their homes to town park and other locations in town
    • properly maintained
    • advance notice of construction and non-routine maintenance activities 
  • town park & riverwalk
    • properly maintained
    • enforce pet waste cleanup and leash requirements
  •  police
    • a police department that is properly sized with due consideration that Shenandoah County (sheriff) and the Commonwealth of Virginia (state police) also have law enforcement responsibilities in strasburg
  • taxes
    • strasburg citizens pay town taxes, county taxes, state taxes and federal taxes. town taxes are more than enough to cover basic town services. but, basic services are not being fully provided. basic services come first. everything else (like the facade program, expanding town staff and space, marketing, etc.) comes second.
  • important public information
    • provide important public information to ALL citizens of the town in a timely manner
      • as long as the town uses a flyer in the water bill (untimely), facebook (not everyone has facebook; not everyone who has FB accesses the town's FB page 24/7), the town website (not everyone has 24/7 access to the internet, those who have 24/7 access to the internet don't access the town's website 24/7 searching for important public information), and word-of-mouth (unreliable, untimely), then the town will NOT be meeting its obligation to provide ALL citizens with important public information in a timely manner. THE BURDEN TO PROVIDE IMPORTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION IS ON THE TOWN--NOT ON THE TOWN'S CITIZENS.


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