Wednesday, March 8, 2023

secrets--what you don't know CAN hurt you

after more than six years living in strasburg, I've come to the conclusion that the town deliberately keeps important public information from it's citizens. 

  • did you know that a test of the e. coli level in the river (not far downstream from the intake to strasburg's water supply plant) near the boat ramp in town park on June 23, 2022 showed an astonishing 816.4 e. coli colony-forming units per milliliter. one would expect an extremely high reading like this to come only from an open sewer! Strasburg VA underground: how safe is strasburg's drinking water? 
  • did you know that in january 2019 that a man fired a shotgun from a boat in the river next to town park? Strasburg VA underground: riverwalk safety and security: man fires a shotgun from a boat in the shenandoah river next to riverwalk 
  • in 2020 town citizen Melissa Schleig attended a meeting of the town's recreation, parks and trails committee. she asked an important question: how can her children walk or ride their bikes safely from their house in madison heights to town park? do you know that the committee blew her off? Strasburg VA underground: Melissa Schleig revisited 
  • do you know why that there's virtually no security on mile-long riverwalk? do you know why the inoperable "emergency phone" sign posts haven't been removed because the phones (presuming that they previously existed) have been removed? do you know that people who use the trail without their own personal cellphone are helpless in case of an emergency? do you know why leash and pet cleanup rules aren't enforced? do you know that some riverwalk users report that unleashed dogs have attacked and bitten people, the dogs' owners fled and the victims of the attacks had to get painful rabies shots?
  • do you know who in the town finalized the agreement with comcast to provide its services to every citizen in the town without informing its citizens beforehand? Strasburg VA underground: SURPRISE! 
  • do you know why the town insists that it isn't their fault that some citizens received extremely high water bills? Strasburg VA underground: water bills mystery 
  • do you know why the town of strasburg hasn't joined the 21st century--communicating important public information "real-time" with its citizens rather than relying on the archaic and unreliable "spread-the-word-with-your-neighbors" method of not communicating important public information directly with citizens in a timely manner?
  • do you know why the town of strasburg has secrets?

there are other examples of the town not providing important public information to its citizens. think about it. the only time that we hear important public information affecting the citizens of this town is when an outside news media source reports it. needless to say, outside media sources don't report all of the important public information that strasburg citizens need to know from the town.

what you don't know CAN hurt you.

we deserve better.

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